The COVID-19 has impacted the world in many unconceivable forms. The importance of physical distancing and its impact on “flattening the curve” is a relationship that is hard to appreciate and even to explain. I personally have had a hard time discussing the concept with my family members, therefore, I decided to put together the following analysis. As presenting COV-19 visuals, numbers, and facts had helped me immensely while conversing with my loved ones.
Month by month comparison
As of April 30, 2020, New Jersey was the 2nd state with most confirmed diagnosed cases 118,652, and the 2nd state with 7,228 confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 as per the NY Times report (Times, 2020).
This represents a monthly increase of 713% diagnosed and 3,632% deaths in comparison to March 2020.
Month | Diagnosed | Deads |
March | 16636 | 199 |
April | 118652 | 7228 |
Increase | 713% | 3632% |

According to the data reported by the NJDOH (NJDOH, 2020b):
- New Jersey has a median of 3,489 newly diagnosed cases per day during the month of April.
- New Jersey has a median of 223 new deaths per day during the month of April.

April by the weeks
The cumulative curve clearly shows the exponential increase.
Week 14 New diagnosed 24,015 (37,505)
Week 15 New diagnosed 24,345 (61,850)
Week 16 New diagnosed 23,451 (85,301)
Week 17 New diagnosed 23,737 (109,038)
Week 18 New diagnosed 9,614 (118,652)
Total of 118,652
Week 14 New Deaths 756 (917)
Week 15 New Deaths 1,433 (2,350)
Week 16 New Deaths 1,852 (4,202)
Week 17 New Deaths 1,736 (5,938)
Week 18 New Deaths 1,290 (7,228)
Total of 7228
Currently, our dead/cases ratio is 6.1%
Scatter plots

During the month of April the trends of:
New diagnosed vs cumulative diagnosed is negative.
New deaths vs cumulative deaths is positive.
What can we do?
We all can help each other, our hospitals, and essential personal that are still out there fighting this virus.
Please, I cannot emphasize this enough, stay at home, and be kind to all humanity.
The numbers in perspective
COVID-19 is the 3rd leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer.

In the past two months, the COVID 19 has killed more people in New Jersey than drug overdoses, firearms, and homicide did in 2019

Some notes on the sources:
There are no 100% reliable sources for data, or some are not updated daily. I am using the NY Times data set (Times, 2020) as it is one of the few open-source sets that I could find, then I cross-reference with the CDC (CDC, 2020) , NJDOH (NJDOH, 2020b) as well as its COVID-19 Hub (NJDOH, 2020a) and 1point3cress (1Point3Acres, 2020) as well as local newspapers like North Jersey (Fallon, 2020).
This report was created April 30, 2020, at 5 pm EST with Power BI (Microsoft, 2020) by Cristo Leon under the creative commons license (Creative Commons, 2014)
1Point3Acres. (2020, March 31). COVID-19/Coronavirus Real Time Updates With Credible Sources in US and Canada.
CDC. (2020, March 31). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Creative Commons. (2014). Sobre las licencias. Creative Commons.
Fallon, S. (2020, March 10). Coronavirus in New Jersey: A timeline of events from first cases to mass casualties. North Jersey.
Microsoft. (2020, March 31). Data Visualization | Microsoft Power BI.
NJDOH. (2020a, March 31). New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub.
NJDOH. (2020b, March 31). New Jersey Department of Health.
Times, T. N. Y. (2020, March 31). Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak. The New York Times.