HyFlex Conflict Resolution: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Virtual Teams

By Cristo Leon, 2019

Introduction to HyFlex

HyFlex (Hybrid-Flexible) is an innovative course design model that seamlessly integrates face-to-face and online learning environments, empowering students to choose between synchronous and asynchronous participation based on their needs. This model promotes flexibility and learner autonomy by ensuring that all participants—whether attending in person or remotely—receive an equivalent educational experience, as described by Juárez Popoca et al. (2014) and Area (2014). HyFlex leverages advanced technological tools and pedagogical strategies to foster active learning, resilience, and engagement, aligning with the perspectives offered by Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (2020) and Gámez (2014). Moreover, the framework is supported by best practices in hybrid course design that ensure instructional quality and accessibility, as articulated by Beatty (2019), and has been particularly instrumental in facilitating successful transitions during the COVID-19 pandemic, as highlighted by Kelly (2020a, 2020b, 2020c)

Definition of HyFlex

HyFlex is defined as an educational model that seamlessly blends traditional in-person instruction with online learning modalities, enabling students to attend classes either physically or virtually without compromising the learning experience. The model is built upon the principle of providing equivalent learning opportunities for all participants, regardless of the mode of participation.

Conflict Scenario Overview

Students will engage in a role-play centered on a conflict arising from ethical disagreements during a virtual project meeting—such as differences in opinion on handling biased AI outputs or conflicting interpretations of ethical responsibilities. The conflict scenario will require students to identify underlying issues, negotiate solutions, and reflect on their decisions’ ethical and interpersonal implications. This activity builds conflict resolution skills and reinforces the importance of trans-disciplinary communication and ethical analysis in professional settings.

Pre-Activity (Asynchronous Preparation)

Before the live session, all students will:

  • Read the Conflict Scenario Brief: A written narrative describing a situation where a virtual team (e.g., an AI development team) faces internal conflict regarding implementing ethical safeguards.
  • Review Supplementary Materials: Materials on ethical decision-making, conflict resolution strategies (e.g., active listening, mediation techniques), and relevant aspects of the HyFlex model.
  • Submit a Reflection: Students post a short reflection in an online forum (e.g., «Think-Participate-Share») discussing potential sources of conflict and suggesting initial strategies for resolution. This ensures all learners, regardless of modality, are primed for the synchronous role-play.

Synchronous Activity (In-Person & Online)

  1. Introduction and Group Formation (5 minutes):
    • The instructor briefly recaps the conflict scenario and outlines the objectives.
    • Students are divided into small groups (ideally 3–4 members per group) with clear roles assigned (e.g., mediator, dissenting team member, ethical advocate, and observer). For in-person participants, this can be achieved by forming clusters in the classroom; for online participants, breakout rooms in Zoom will be utilized.
  2. Role-Play Exercise (20 minutes):
    • Scenario Simulation: Each group reenacts the conflict scenario. The mediator facilitates a structured discussion where the dissenting team member and the ethical advocate present conflicting views regarding the ethical implications of the project.
    • Real-Time Decision-Making: Group members debate, negotiate, and develop a resolution strategy collaboratively. The observer notes the communication dynamics and the integration of ethical frameworks (e.g., responsibility, transparency).
    • Facilitator Check-Ins: The instructor monitors each group, providing guidance and prompting deeper analysis when necessary.
  3. Debriefing and Group Reflection (10 minutes):
    • All groups reconvene in the main session.
    • Each group shares key insights, strategies to manage the conflict, and reflections on how trans-disciplinary communication influenced their approach.
    • The instructor synthesizes common themes and provides feedback.

Asynchronous Component (Online)

For students participating asynchronously or those who cannot join the live session:

  • Discussion Forum: They review a recorded version of the role-play session and then post their analyses of the conflict scenario.
  • Peer Feedback: Students respond to at least two peers’ posts by offering additional strategies or posing reflective questions regarding the ethical dimensions of the conflict.
  • Reflective Essay: Within one week, each student submits a brief reflective essay (250–300 words) that discusses how their understanding of ethical decision-making and conflict resolution has evolved, emphasizing the role of clear communication in trans-disciplinary contexts.

Instructor Considerations and HyFlex Alignment

  • Equitable Participation: Ensure that all students, whether synchronous or asynchronous, access the same preparatory materials and discussion prompts.
  • Technology Integration: For in-person groups, consider using devices or digital platforms to share real-time responses; for online groups, leverage breakout rooms and shared digital whiteboards to facilitate interaction.
  • Feedback and Assessment: Provide timely, constructive feedback through live discussions and asynchronous postings, recognizing the diverse contributions from all modalities.


Area, E. (2014, March 4). ¿Qué es HyFlex?: Modelos Flexibles de Formación. Eduarea’s Blog. https://eduarea.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/que-es-hyflex-modelos-flexibles-de-formacion/

Beatty, B. J. (2019). Hybrid-Flexible Course Design. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/hyflex

Gámez, I. (2014). Los Modelos Tecno-Educativos, revolucionando el aprendizaje del siglo XXI. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280301257_Los_Modelos_Tecno-Educativos_revolucionando_el_aprendizaje_del_siglo_XXI

ITESM. (2020). HyFlex + Tec. https://tec.mx/es/hyflex-tec

Juárez Popoca, D., Torres Gastelú, C. A., & Herrera Diaz, L. (2014). El modelo HyFlex: Una propuesta de formación híbrida y flexible (pp. 127–142).

Kelly, K. (2020a). HyFlex Course Design – Example 50-Min & 75-Min Class Sessions. Google Docs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gokdIjWbfERADiswlUBL4hE81hEnNiEYmBzRUeDfUdk/edit?usp=embed_facebook

Kelly, K. (2020b, May 7). COVID-19 Planning for Fall 2020: A Closer Look at Hybrid-Flexible Course Design. PhilOnEdTech. https://philonedtech.com/covid-19-planning-for-fall-2020-a-closer-look-at-hybrid-flexible-course-design/

Kelly, K. (2020c, June 5). Helping Students to be Successful (Resilient) Online and Hybrid Learners During COVID Transitions. PhilOnEdTech. https://philonedtech.com/helping-students-to-be-successful-during-covid-transitions/