Actividades Principales de Gestión: La importancia del modelo UPE en la planeación estratégica

El éxito de una empresa depende de cómo se gestionen los recursos y se planifique estratégicamente el futuro. Para ello, es fundamental identificar las «actividades principales de gestión», que incluyen la planificación, organización, dirección, coordinación y control de los recursos empresariales. El modelo Universal de Planificación Estratégica (UPE) ofrece una herramienta deductiva para definir los objetivos y estrategias empresariales. Las teorías clásicas de la administración son un punto de partida para entender estas actividades, que son la planificación, organización, dirección, coordinación y control. Definir «qué es ganar» para una empresa es fundamental para establecer una estrategia empresarial efectiva y medible.
An image of a person working on a laptop with a stack of money on the side, symbolizing making money online through affiliate marketing

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. It involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale or lead generated through your unique affiliate link. However, succeeding in affiliate marketing requires more than just signing up for an affiliate program and placing links on your website. In this blog post, we’ll share five tips for successful affiliate marketing, including how to choose the right products, create high-quality content, and optimize your strategies for maximum success. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced marketer, these tips can help you boost your affiliate income and build a successful online business.

Empowering Inquiry: The Transformative Power of the Question Formulation Technique in Education

Empowering Inquiry through the Question Formulation Technique offers a transformative approach to education, enhancing student engagement and promoting critical thinking across diverse academic settings. By empowering students to ask their own questions, QFT cultivates a dynamic classroom atmosphere that encourages curiosity and active learning, ensuring every student can contribute meaningfully to their educational journey

Cristo Leon Joins Inter-National Association FOR Trans-Disciplinary Communication AFTC as a Founding Member and Call for Papers

Introduction Cristo Leon, a prominent figure in the academic and research sectors, recently joined the Inter-National Association FOR Trans-Disciplinary Communication (AFTC). The AFTC is an initiative of the International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics (IIIC), focusing on fostering Trans-Disciplinary Communication…
A knight in traditional armor sits at a modern computer within a room that blends medieval and futuristic elements, symbolizing the fusion of historical and digital worlds of digital chivalry

Exploring Digital Chivalry: Medieval Themes in Modern Technology

In the ever-evolving realm of technology, a fascinating blend of ancient chivalric themes and cutting-edge digital innovation has emerged, aptly termed «digital chivalry.» This concept revitalizes medieval narratives and adapts their ethos for the digital age, creating a unique fusion that resonates deeply with contemporary audiences.

Article «Researching Communities of Practice when transitioning In-service Educator Training to Blended Learning»

El Departamento de Educación de Nueva Jersey buscó desarrollar una comunidad de aprendizaje profesional en línea para 150,000 educadores en casi 600 distritos escolares. Los autores presentan un análisis posterior al proyecto del proyecto desarrollado en apoyo de situaciones de aprendizaje presencial, semipresencial y completamente en línea