Los autores analizan las ideas encontradas en la revisión de la literatura referentes al diseño de experiencias lúdicas, la narratología y los mundos ficcionales dentro del contexto de los Juegos de Rol (JdR).
Article «Constructively Aligned Instructional Design for Oral Presentations»
Dr. James Lipuma, a faculty member in the Humanities and Social Sciences department, and Cristo Leon (PhD. Graduate Student) director of research at NJIT College of Science and Liberal Arts have a new article entitled “Exploring the Context of Converged Learning: a case study in a polytechnic university”. Were they discuss “a general background of NJIT’s approach to the new idea of converged instructional delivery. It provides a brief history, context, and explanation of its interdisciplinary participatory strategic planning process. Then the paper describes the process of pilot testing that was conducted to determine how best to adopt the new modes of instruction across all disciplines. Next, the process for defining and clarifying the terms and conceptions of the various modes to be adopted is presented. After this, the paper discusses the impact of the shift from Web 1.0 to web 6.0 and how the different departments and sectors of NJIT worked on strategic planning together”
#Research #Education #DigitalLearning #Convergence #Hyflex #CourseDevelopment #InstructionalDesign #StrategicPlanning
Infografía de los buscadores web en los últimos 28 años
Encontré muy interesante esta infografía por lo que decidí compartirla en este blog.
Job seeking resources
A compilation of resources you will find useful to use while searching for jobs.
Article «Exploring the Context of Converged Learning»
Dr. James Lipuma, a faculty member in the Humanities and Social Sciences department, and Cristo Leon (PhD. Graduate Student) director of research at NJIT College of Science and Liberal Arts have a new article entitled “Exploring the Context of Converged Learning: a case study in a polytechnic university”. Were they discuss “a general background of NJIT’s approach to the new idea of converged instructional delivery. It provides a brief history, context, and explanation of its interdisciplinary participatory strategic planning process. Then the paper describes the process of pilot testing that was conducted to determine how best to adopt the new modes of instruction across all disciplines. Next, the process for defining and clarifying the terms and conceptions of the various modes to be adopted is presented. After this, the paper discusses the impact of the shift from Web 1.0 to web 6.0 and how the different departments and sectors of NJIT worked on strategic planning together”
#Research #Education #DigitalLearning #Convergence #Hyflex #CourseDevelopment #InstructionalDesign #StrategicPlanning
Articulo «Collaborating Toward Convergence: Efforts for K-20 STEM Education»
Dr. James Lipuma, a faculty member in the Humanities and Social Sciences department, and Cristo Leon (PhD. Graduate Student) director of research at NJIT College of Science and Liberal Arts have a new article entitled “Collaborating Toward Convergence Efforts for K-20 STEM Education”. Were they discuss “The terminologies related to Convergence Research for multi-, co- inter- and trans-disciplinary. This paper defines and describe collaborative research at each of these interfaces. Then it discussed key factors for engaging in collaborative partnerships as individuals, with teams, and as organizations. Then, it presented concepts tied to individual factors for engagement with the attitude, investment, motivation, and scenario analysis method. Next, by drawing on business and management research, the Availability, Interest, and Knowledge methodology provided a simple way to identify the alignment of the vision, mission, and theory of change by understanding the why, what, and how of your actions. Following this, the authors integrated the concepts of strategic planning and logic models with the Universal Model of Strategic Planning. The authors discuss the double diamond model to represent the complex web of partnerships and the framework developed for communication and collaboration amongst stakeholders. The result is the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid framework for negotiating understanding within a new common space being generated together”
#Research #Education #Convergence #StrategicPlanning #Interdisciplinary #Transdisciplinary #Collaboration #Partnerships #CollaborativeConvergencePyramidFramework #CCPF
#Research #Education #Convergence #StrategicPlanning #Interdisciplinary #Transdisciplinary #Collaboration #Partnerships #CollaborativeConvergencePyramidFramework #CCPF
Declaración sobre la invasión Rusa de Ucrania
Ante el conflicto que se vive en Ucrania, país de Europa Oriental ubicado a orillas del mar negro, al cual la potencia mundial de Rusia ha decidido invadir y atacar con armamento pesado, desatando una guerra inconcebible en pleno siglo…
Definiendo la Investigación Científica: Más Allá de un Único Método
La etimología de la palabra «research» nos ofrece una ventana al corazón mismo de lo que significa la investigación científica. Derivada del francés antiguo «recercher«, implica buscar intensamente o investigar, combinando el prefijo «re-«, que señala una acción repetida o…
Compilación de la Literatura identificada para estudios de juegos de rol
La presente es una compilación de las fuentes identificadas en la literatura al trabajar en artículos y participar en congresos relacionados con el juego de rol.
Modelo General Particular Especifico (Modelo GPE)
Una Herramienta Convergente para la Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura.
Dentro del “Congreso Internacional Academia Journals Celaya 2021” realizamos la presentación del artículo “Modelo General Particular Especifico (Modelo GPE): Una Herramienta Convergente para la Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura”
Dentro del “Congreso Internacional Academia Journals Celaya 2021” realizamos la presentación del artículo “Modelo General Particular Especifico (Modelo GPE): Una Herramienta Convergente para la Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura”