Social innovation and systems thinking provide a powerful framework for solving complex challenges. By analyzing interconnected systems and addressing root causes, these approaches enable long-term, sustainable solutions. From tackling homelessness to reforming education, systems thinking ensures that social innovations consider the broader context and ripple effects, creating meaningful and lasting change.
Exploring the Future of Education: Balancing Liberal Arts and STEM
In this insightful blog, Cristo Leon, Director of Research for the College of Science and Liberal Arts, examines the evolving landscape of higher education. He explores the crucial balance between liberal arts and STEM, emphasizing the need for an integrated approach in preparing students for future challenges. Leon’s reflections on fostering interdisciplinary studies provide a compelling perspective on nurturing innovative thinkers for a technologically advanced society.
Daniel Mendez De La Cruz y Colaboradores Presentarán Innovador Estudio sobre Pensamiento Matemático en el 12º Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Celaya 2023
Comunicado de Prensa PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA Innovador Estudio en CETMar No. 19 Explora el Desarrollo del Pensamiento Matemático en Estudiantes de Nuevo Ingreso a través de Khan Academy Frontera, Tabasco, México — 29 de octubre de 2023 Daniel Méndez De…
Empowering the Future: The LiFE Project’s Phenomenal Impact on Girls’ STEM Interest.
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Empowering the Future: The LiFE Project’s Phenomenal Impact on Girls’ STEM Interest. Newark, NJ, Wednesday, August 9, 2023 – The LiFE Project, a groundbreaking initiative funded by the National Science Foundation, has demonstrated remarkable success…
Presentación del artículo: Transforming Traditional Professional Development into Blended Learning Communities
Dentro del “3er Congreso Internacional Academia Journals 2021” Hidalgo realicé la presentación del artículo donde describimos nuestras experiencias migrando del modelo de entrenamiento tradicional a las comunidades de aprendizaje mixto (Blended Learning Communities)
Resources for Virtual STEM Education
The following is a list of resources to assist you in online/virtual education settings. Virtual Education and Interactive learning Bring TED-Ed Student Talks to Your School (TED-Ed, 2021). ChemCollective (ChemCollective, 2021). CK-12: Free Online Textbooks, Flashcards, Adaptive Practice, Real World…
NSF STEM for All Video Showcase 2021
NSF STEM for All Video Showcase New Jersey Institute of Technology to Participate in The 2021 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase: COVID, Equity & Social Justice NSF STEM in Your Home from NJIT will be featured May 11th-18th during…