AI and the Future of Marketing Education Through the Lens of The Space Merchants [Peer-reviewed journal]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing both professional marketing practices and marketing education. In our latest paper, we use the science fiction novel The Space Merchants by Pohl and Kornbluth as a metaphorical framework to critically examine the integration of AI in marketing curricula. This study reviews existing literature, analyzes real-world case studies, and discusses ethical considerations surrounding AI’s use in education. By reflecting on AI’s potential to commodify education and enhance personalization, we highlight the balance needed between technological advancement and ethical responsibility. This paper aims to advance the discourse on AI’s role in shaping future marketing professionals through a transdisciplinary approach.
Cover page of the paper titled "AI and the Future of Marketing Education Through the Lens of The Space Merchants" published in the Brazilian Journal of Business.

Exciting Announcement: Publication in the Brazilian Journal of Business

I am thrilled to share our latest publication in the esteemed Brazilian Journal of Business. The paper, «AI and the Future of Marketing Education Through the Lens of The Space Merchants,» is a collaborative effort with distinguished colleagues Dr. Jasmin Cowin (first author), Dr. Sabra Brock, and Xavier Oviedo Torres, PhD. (student). It’s an honor to be a part of this paper (Cowin et al., 2024).

Paper Abstract:

Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  is  transforming  professional marketing  practices  as  well  as  marketing education. This paper employs the science fiction novel “The Space Merchants” by Pohl and Kornbluth as a metaphorical framework for critically examining AI integration in marketing curricula. The authors review existing literature examining the impacts of AI on marketing practices and education. Furthermore, they establish a qualitative methodology analyzing a real-world case study, current applications of AI in marketing  education,  and  discuss  ethical  frameworks  surrounding the use of AI. Utilizing “The Space Merchants” satirical portrayal of consumerism, they reflect on AI’s potential to commodify marketing education, homogenize student thought, and undermine educational integrity. Also examined are AI’s capabilities to enhance personalization, engagement, and teaching efficiency. Ultimately, the paper argues for educators’ indispensable role in ethically leveraging AI to enrich the student experience. The unique fictional  lens  highlights  the  need  to  balance  advancement  and  responsibility  in  AI-enabled  marketing education.  This  comprehensive  ethical  analysis  aims  to  significantly  advance  the  discourse  on  AI’s evolving function in shaping the next generation of marketing professionals. Furthermore, by adopting a transdisciplinary approach through the integration of science fiction and ethical critique, the paper seeks to  catalyze  broader  transdisciplinary  conversations  between  the  technical  and  social  sciences  on  the impacts of emerging technologies like AI on education.

Keywords: artificial  intelligence,  marketing  education,  science  fiction,  the  space  merchants,  ethical frameworks, curriculum integration, consumerism, personalization, educational integrity, transdisciplinary approach

Read Our Paper

You can access our paper in the Brazilian Journal of Business, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 1-16, 2024. Read here


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of their institutions: Touro University, NY, USA; New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA; and Universidad de las Américas-Campus UDLAPark, Quito. Ecuador.

Disclosure statement
No conflict of interest pertains to the research presented above.
Jasmin Cowin (first author)
Cristo Leon
Sabra Brock
Xavier Oviedo Torres


© All rights reserved 2024 Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora Ltda.


When citing this paper, use this format:

Cowin, J., Leon, C., Brock, S., & Oviedo Torres, X. (2024). AI and the Future of Marketing Education Through the Lens of The Space Merchants. Brazilian Journal of Business, 6(2), e70382–e70382.